No. Title Author Year View
B-026190 Bharat ka Bhasha Sir George Abhrahim Griysaran 1967
B-026191 The Art and Architecture of the Indian Subcontinent J.C. Harle 1986
B-026192 Language Movements in India Not Mentioned 1979
B-026193 Handbook on Personnel Matters, Vol III Not Mentioned 1995
B-026194 Financial Handbook No 4, Not Mentioned 1971
B-026195 Fundamental Rules and the Supplementary Rules, Part II P. Muthuswamy 1974
B-026196 Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules S.K. Duggal 0
B-026197 Compilations of the Medical Attendance Rules P. Muthuswamy 1974
B-026198 Bharatiya Chitrakala ki Prampara Dr Mohinder Verma 2006
B-026199 Adivasi Kala Dr Veerbala Bhavsar 2007
B-026200 Bharat ki Chitrakala ka Sankshipt Itihas Dr Lokesh Chandra Sharma 0
B-026201 Bharatiya Kala aur Kalakar Kumaril swami 1986
B-026202 The Himchal Pradesh Co-operative Societies Rules, 1971 Not Mentioned 1971
B-026203 The Himachal Pradesh Land Holdings Tax Rules, 1974 Not Mentioned 1974
B-026204 The Himachal Pradesh Co-operative Societies Act, 1968 Not Mentioned 1969
B-026205 Himachal pradesh Panchayati Raj Adhinizam, 1994 Not Mentioned 1994
B-026206 Nicholas K. Roerich 1874-1974 Not Mentioned 1975
B-026207 Shruti Manjari Sanat Kumar Chatterjee 2005
B-026208 Himalayan Art Swati Chopra 0
B-026209 Himachal Pradesh Code, Vol II Not Mentioned 1976
B-026210 Elements of Indian Architecture Jose Pereira 1987
B-026211 An Introduction to Modern Indian Sculpture Jaya Appasamy 1968
B-026212 Rajasthan ki Laghuchitra Shailiyan (Pratham Khand) Not Mentioned 1972
B-026213 Himachal Embroidery Subhashini Aryan 0
B-026214 Masks of West Bengal Sabita Ranjan Sarkar 0
B-026215 5000 years of Arts and Crafts in India and Pakistan Shanti Swarup 1968
B-026216 Yuga-Yugeen Bhartiya Kala Mahesh Chandra Joshi 1995
B-026217 Bharatiya Chitrakala C Shivrammurti 2008
B-026218 Bhartiya Chitrakala ka Itihas Prem Chandra Goswami 1999
B-026219 Study in Human Figure K.S. Kohli 0