Constitution of LAC Academy
No. LAC-A (9)-2/84 Dated : Shimla-2, the 10th Dec. 1984
In suppression of this department Notification No. 8-9/71-LWP (LANG) dated the 14th April, 1971 the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to reconstitute the HIMACHAL PRADESH ACADEMY OF ARTS, CULTURE AND LANGUAGES with the following constitution :-
- Name and short title : The Academy shall be called ‘Himachal Academy of Arts, Culture and Languages’.
- Nature : The Academy shall be an autonomous body & shall be registered under the Registration of Societies Act.
- Definitions :
- ‘Arts’ means and includes fine Arts i.e. Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Music, Dance and Potery including Dramaturgy.
- ‘Culture’ means and includes traditional culture as found in different Janpads ¼tuin½ of Himachal Pradesh which manifests itself in particular mythology, folkways etc.
- ‘Languages’ includes Hindi, Urdu, English, Sanskrit and regional languages spoken in Pradesh.
- Headquarters : The Headquarters of the Academy shall be located at Shimla.
- Objectives : The following will be objectives of the Academy :
- to encourage and promote study and research in the fields of language & arts, particularly in the Pahari (Himachali) language, literature and art and institute fellowships, stipends and scholarships and for this purpose to establish reference and research libraries.
- to promote co-operation among men of letters, artists, associations for art, literary and cultural activities and to encourage, whenever necessary, the establishment and development of such associations and cultural centres including theatres, centres, studios and clubs.
- to provide training (a) in the art of theatre and production of plays (b) music, painting, sculpture etc. And (c) to encourage the development of amateur dramatic activities, children’s theatre, open air theatre and the rural theatre, particularly folk dance and folk music.
- to give awards, confer distinctions, grant stipends, allowances or other financial aid and to accord recognition to individual men of letters, artists etc. for high and significant achievements in the fields of art, languages, letters and culture or to award stipends allowances or other financial aid to their dependents in recognition of such achievements and to help old and indigent writers and artists in the state who have rendered meritorious services in the concerned fields.
- to encourage or to arrange and assist translations of standard works pertaining to Himachali language, culture and art from Pahari language into other languages and from other language into Pahari language.]
- to publish and to promote and assist publication of literature in or about the regional Pahari language/mythology particularly of the state including reference works, handbooks of technical terms
- to collect and compile, edit and publish rare and old manuscripts on literature available in Himachal Pradesh.
- to give recognition and offer financial or technical assistance to approved literary music, dance, drama or cultural institutions and associations.
- to maintain a fund to which shall be credited :-
all money received from the State or Union Government, and
all money received in any other manner or from other sources.
- to establish writers homes, study circles etc.
- to do or get done the linguistic survey of the Pradesh and to assist individuals or institutions engaged in such activity.
- to conduct examinations particularly in Pahari Language and Literature and for that purpose make teaching arrangements, if necessary.
- to organize literary functions according to the needs of each Language mentioned in para 3 (c)
- to do all such acts and things whether incidental to the objectives aforesaid or not, as may be required in order to further the objectives of the Academy.
- Structure : The Academy shall have the following organs :-
- General Council
- Executive Council
- Standing Committee for the promotion of Pahari (Himachali) Language and Literature.
- General Council : The General Council shall consist of the following :-
- President Chief Minister
- Senior Vice President Minister In charge
- Vice President and Chairman To be nominated by the Government for a period of five
of theExecutive Council years
- One representative of Himachal Pradesh University, to be selected out of a panel of three by the Chairman.
- Secretary Finance.
- Secretary (LAC)
- Secretary (Education)
- Director of Education
- Director Public Relations
- Director of Language & Culture
- Curator, State Museum
- Secretary, H.P. Academy Member Secretary
In addition the following will be nominated by the Government :-
- One representative of Pahari (Himachali) language and one representative of its dialects from each district of Pradesh.
- Three literary persons from within the state representing Hindi, Urdu and Sanskrit
- One literary person from outside the State
- Two eminent performing artists from within the State
- One eminent performing artist from outside the State
- Two eminent graphics plastic artists from within the State
- One eminent graphic/plastic artist from outside the State
8- Executive Council : The Executive Council shall have the following :-
- Chairman
- Vice – Chairman ......................................... Secretary (LAC)
- Representative of the Finance Sccretary
- Director, Language and Culture
- Secretary of the Aademy
- Six non-officials to be nominated by the Government from among the non officials in the General Council and the Standing Committee of which one each shall represent literature, performing art, graphic/plastic art and three will represent the Pahari (Himachali) language and its dialects.
9- Standing Committee for the promotion of Pahari (Himachali) Language and Literature :
The Standing Committee for the promotion of Pahari (Himachali) Language and Literature shall have the following :-
- Five members to be nominated by the Government out of the representative’s of Pahari (Himachali) Language and dialects from the General Council one of whom will be designated as the Convener.
- Six other members representing Pahari (Himachali) language and its dialects to be nominated by Executive Council.
- Secretary of the Academy.
10- Powers and Functions :
A President. He shall :-
- subject to the policy directive of the General Council & or Executive Council exercise all necessary administrative and financial powers for the effective functioning of the Academy.
- in any emergency exercise all powers of the General Council and Executive Council provided that the powers so exercised shall be brought to notice of the General Council and the Executive Council
- issue such instructions as he may consider necessary and expedient to the Vice-President and Secretary for the smooth functioning of the Academy
- Senior Vice-president. He shall :-
- exercise such powers as are delegated by the President
- in the absence of the President, shall preside over the meetings of the General Council
- Vice – president of the General Council and Chairman of the Executive Council. He shall :-
- exercise such powers as are delegated by the President.
- in the absence of the President and Senior Vice President, shall preside over the meetings of the General Council.
11- Secretary : He shall be President Executive Officer of the Academy and shall be appointed by the Government in accordance with the Recruitment and Promotion Rules notified by the Government in this behalf. He shall :-
- be the custodian of all the property and record of the Academy
- conduct the working & correspondence on behalf of the Academy
- exercise such powers as are delegated to him by the President and perform such functions as are assigned to him by the President/Senior Vice President/Vice President/Chairman/ Vice Chairman
12- General Council : The General Council shall have the following powers and functions :-
- to consider registered voluntary organizations working in the fields of languages, literature, art and culture for recognition
- to specify the priority of the Programmes and projects to be undertaken
- to frame the rules, regulations, bye laws for the conduct of affairs of the Academy
- to approve the Annual Budget of the Academy
13- Executive Council : The Executive Council shall have the following powers :-
- to exercise the executive authority in administration and financial matters.
- to incur all expenditure subject to the budged provision.
- to prepare programmes of the Academy and specific projects for the approval of the General Council
- to consider the budget estimated and to make recommendations thereon to the General Council
- to consider such matters as are referred to it by the President.
14. Standing Committee : The Standing Committee shall have the following powers :-
- to advice the Academy in matters relating to policies and programmes for the promotion of Pahari (Himachali) language and literature
- to exercise such powers and functions as may be delegated to it by the General Council
15. Chairman, Executive Council : The Chairman will preside over the meetings of the Council. In his absence the Vice Chairman shall preside over the meetings.
16- Staff : The Academy shall, with the prior concurrence of the Executive Council. Create administrative, technical, ministerial and other posts and make appointments there to in accordance with rules and regulations.
17- The Rule Making Powers : The Executive Council shall frame rules of business for smooth working of the Academy and submit them to H.P. Government for approval.
18- Meetings :
- General Council :-
- The meetings of the General Council shall ordinarily be held once a year.
- A special meeting may be called at any other time at any place in H.P. either at the initiative of the President or at the request of not less than two third of the total members of the General Council
- One third members of the General Council shall form the quorum
- Executive Council :-
- The Executive Council shall ordinarily meet four times a year.
- The Chairman can call a special meeting of the Executive Council at a place and on a date to be fixed by him
- Five members shall form the quorum. However no decision involving finances will be taken unless the finance representative is present
19- General :-
- The Academy shall be a corporate body and shall have a perpetual seal and may sue and be sued in its corporate name
- A member of the General Council and Executive Council shall cease to be a member if he –
- dies, or
- resigns, or
- becomes of unsound mind, or
- is adjudged insolvent, or
- is convicted of criminal offence, or
- accepts a full time appointment on the staff of the Academy but the President can relax the bar, or
- fails to attend three consecutive meetings
- if any member or any authority of the Academy persistently does any thing in a manner detrimental to the interests of the Academy, he shall be liable for removal from the membership by the Government on a resolution passed by two-third of the membership of the Executive
- The term of appointment for all the members and office bearers of the Council shall be five years from the date of appointment of the first member or the batch of members
- Future amendments to the constitution of the Academy shall be initiated by a resolution passed by at least, a simple majority of the membership of the General Council and by not less than two-third of the members present and voting and shall not come into force until those are approved by Government
20- The Annual Accounts of income and expenditure of the Academy shall got audited by Local Audit Department or such other agency as the General Council may decide and the certification of the accounts of the Academy will be done by the Auditing Agency
21- The Audit Report and Annual Report of the Himachal Academy of Arts Culture and Languages shall be laid before the H.P. Vidhan Sabha
- Structure : The Academy shall have the following organs :-
- General Council
- Executive Council
- Standing Committee for the promotion of Pahari (Himachali) Language and Literature.
- General Council : The General Council shall consist of the following :-
- President Chief Minister
- Senior Vice President Minister In charge
- Vice President and Chairman To be nominated by the Government for a period of five
of theExecutive Council years
- One representative of Himachal Pradesh University, to be selected out of a panel of three by the Chairman.
- Secretary Finance.
- Secretary (LAC)
- Secretary (Education)
- Director of Education
- Director Public Relations
- Director of Language & Culture
- Curator, State Museum
- Secretary, H.P. Academy Member Secretary
In addition the following will be nominated by the Government :-
- One representative of Pahari (Himachali) language and one representative of its dialects from each district of Pradesh.
- Three literary persons from within the state representing Hindi, Urdu and Sanskrit
- One literary person from outside the State
- Two eminent performing artists from within the State
- One eminent performing artist from outside the State
- Two eminent graphics plastic artists from within the State
- One eminent graphic/plastic artist from outside the State
8- Executive Council : The Executive Council shall have the following :-
- Chairman
- Vice – Chairman ......................................... Secretary (LAC)
- Representative of the Finance Sccretary
- Director, Language and Culture
- Secretary of the Aademy
- Six non-officials to be nominated by the Government from among the non officials in the General Council and the Standing Committee of which one each shall represent literature, performing art, graphic/plastic art and three will represent the Pahari (Himachali) language and its dialects.
9- Standing Committee for the promotion of Pahari (Himachali) Language and Literature :
The Standing Committee for the promotion of Pahari (Himachali) Language and Literature shall have the following :-
- Five members to be nominated by the Government out of the representative’s of Pahari (Himachali) Language and dialects from the General Council one of whom will be designated as the Convener.
- Six other members representing Pahari (Himachali) language and its dialects to be nominated by Executive Council.
- Secretary of the Academy.